Университет ИТМО Санкт-Петербургский национальный исследовательский университет информационных технологий, механики и оптики

Коншина Елена Анатольевна

Коншина Елена Анатольевна

Доктор физ.-мат. наук




Доктор физ.-мат. наук

Университет ИТМО
Структурные особенности и свойства тонких слоев аморфного гидрогенизированного углерода

Кандидат техн. наук

Государственный оптический институт им. С.И Вавилова
Получение алмазоподобных аморфных углеродных пленок из ацетиленовой плазмы тлеющего разряда и исследование их структуры и свойств

Профессиональный опыт

Автор курсов «Оптика жидкокристаллических сред» в рамках магистерской программы 200700.68.05 «Оптика наноструктур», внедренной в 2011 году и «Основы физики жидкокристаллических систем» в рамках программы 200700.68 «Физика наноструктур», внедренной в 2013 г. в учебный процесс Университета ИТМО по направлению подготовки студентов 12.04.03 «Фотоника и оптоинформатика». Е.А. Коншиной является научным руководителем исследовательских работ аспирантов и магистров. Было подготовлено и защищено 4 диссертации к.ф.-м.н. по специальности 01.04.05 оптика и 5 выпускных квалификационных работ магистров за период с 2012 по 2016 годы.

Исследовательские интересы

Конденсированные материалы, тонкие пленки, поверхность, жидкие кристаллы, наночастицы, квантовые точки, электрооптика жидких кристаллов, фотонные устройства

  1. E. A. Konshina, D. P. Shcherbinin. Study of dynamic light scattering in nematic liquid crystal and its optical, electrical and switching characteristics. Liquid Crystals, in press 1-11 (2017)
  2. D. P. Shcherbinin, D. A. Vakulin, E. A. Konshina. Electric method for studying reorientation dynamics of the nematic liquid crystal director. Technical Physics, 61(7) 1039-1045 (2016)
  3. D.P. Shcherbinin, E.A. Konshina. Ionic impurities in nematic liquid crystal doped with quantum dots CdSe/ZnS. Liquid Crystals, 1-8 (2016)
  4. D. P. Shcherbinin, E. A. Konshina, V. A. Polischuk. Influence of surface properties on the structure of granular silver films and excitation of localized plasmons. Optics and Spectroscopy, 120(4) 622-627 (2016)
  5. M. A. Kurochkina, E. A. Konshina, D. P. Shcherbinin. Specific features of luminescence quenching in a nematic liquid crystal doped with nanoparticles. Optics and Spectroscopy, 121(4) 585-591 (2016)
  6. M. A. Kurochkina, E. A. Konshina, D. P. Shcherbinin. Specific features of luminescence quenching in a nematic liquid crystal doped with nanoparticles. Optics and Spectroscopy, 121(4) 585-591 (2016)
  7. E.A. Konshina, E.O. Gavrish, A.I. Vangonen. Investigation of orientational order in a nematic liquid crystal with semiconductor CdSe/Zns QDs by IR spectroscopy. Optics and spectroscopy, 120(2) 250-254 (2016)
  8. D. A. Vakulin, D. A. Frenkel, E. O. Gavrish, E. A. Konshina. Impact of Doping CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots on the Elasticity Coefficients of Nematic. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 612(1) 110-116 (2015)
  9. D. P. Shcherbinin, E. A. Konshina, D. E. Solodkov. The effect of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots on the rotational viscosity and charge carrier concentration of a nematic liquid crystal. Technical Physics Letters, 41(8) 781-783 (2015)
  10. M. A. Kurachkina, D. P. Shcherbinin, E. A. Konshina. Spectral and dielectric properties of nematic liquid crystal doped semiconductor quantum dots CdSe/ZnS. Proceedings of SPIE, 9519 95190Z (2015)
  11. M. A. Kurochkina, D. P. Shcherbinin, E. A. Konshina. Control of photoluminescence of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots in a nematic liquid crystal by an electric field. Optics and Spectroscopy, 119(5) 812-815 (2015)
  12. M. A. Kurochkina, E. A. Konshina. Luminescence quenching of nematic liquid crystal upon doping with CdSe/ZnS quantum dots. Optics and Spectroscopy, 118(1) 111-113 (2015)
  13. E. O. Gavrish, I. F. Galin, E. A. Konshina, D. A. Vakulin. Comparison the Properties of LC Cells with CdSe/ZnS QDs Embedded Into Nematic LC Matrix and the Polyimide Alignment Layer. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 615(1) 50-56 (2015)
  14. I. F. Galin, D. P. Shcherbinin, E. O. Gavrish, E. A. Konshina. Features of the Optical Response and Relaxation of the Nematic LC Doped with CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 612(1) 261-266 (2015)
  15. I. F. Galin, E. A. Konshina. Optical Response Features of LC Cells Doped with CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 615(1) 57-62 (2015)
  16. M. A. Kurochkina, E. A. Konshina. Luminescence Quenching of Nematic Liquid Crystal upon Doping with CdSe/ZnS Quantum Dots. Optics and Spectroscopy, 118(1) 111–113 (2015)
  17. I. F. Galin, E. A. Konshina. How the electric-field parameters affect the optical response of a nematic liquid crystal. Journal of Optical Technology, 81(6) 338-340 (2014)
  18. A. V. Ivanov, D. A. Vakulin, E. A. Konshina. Symmetrical optical response in the hybrid-oriented twist structure of a dual-frequency nematic liquid crystal. Journal of Optical Technology, 81(3) 130-134 (2014)
  19. E.A. Konshina, I.F. Galin, D.P. Shcherbinin, E.O. Gavrish. Study of dynamics and relaxation optical response of nematic liquid crystals doped with CdSe / ZnS quantum dots. Liquid Crystals, 41(9) 1229-1234 (2014)
  20. E. A. Konshina, I. F. Galin, E. O. Gavrish, D. A. Vakulin. The doping of the polyimide alignment layer by semiconductor quantum dots. AIP Advances, 3(8) 082104 (2013)
  21. E. A. Konshina, D. A. Vakulin, N. L. Ivanova, E. O. Gavrish, V. N. Vasil’ev. Optical response from dual-frequency hybrid-aligned nematic liquid crystal cells. Technical Physics, 57(5) 644-648 (2012)
  22. E. O. Gavrish, I. F. Galin, E. A. Konshina. Screening Effect of a-C:H Alignment Layer and its Influence on Characteristics of LC Cells. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 553(1) 44-49 (2012)
  23. I. F. Galin, E. A. Konshina. Pretilt Angle Effect on Response Time of Dual Frequency Liquid Crystal. Molecular Crystals and Liquid Crystals, 553(1) 21-27 (2012)
  24. E. A. Konshina, L. P. Amosova. Specific features of attenuated light transmission by liquid-crystal twist cells in constant and alternating electric fields. Technical Physics Letters, 38(7) 642-644 (2012)
  25. E. A. Konshina. Production methods and properties of liquid-crystal-orienting layers based on amorphous carbon. Journal of Optical Technology, 78(3) 210 (2011)
  26. I. F. Galin, E. A. Konshina. How the initial tilt angle of the director of a dual-frequency liquid crystal affects the electrooptic characteristics of cells. Journal of Optical Technology, 78(6) 400-402 (2011)
  27. E. A. Konshina, E. O. Gavrish, A. O. Orlova, M. V. Artem’ev. Effect of dispersed CdSe/ZnS quantum dots on optical and electrical characteristics of nematic liquid crystal cells. Technical Physics Letters, 37(11) 1011-1014 (2011)
  28. E. A. Konshina, N. L. Ivanova, P. S. Parfenov, M. A. Fedorov. Reorientation dynamics of a dual-frequency nematic single crystal with quasi-homeotropic structure. Journal of Optical Technology, 77(12) 770 (2010)
  29. Amosova L.P., Vasil'ev V.N., Ivanova N.L., Konshina E.A.. Ways of increasing the response rate of electrically controlled optical devices based on nematic liquid crystals. Journal of Optical Technology, 77(2) 79-87 (2010)
  30. V. N. Vasil’ev, E. A. Konshina, M. A. Fedorov, L. P. Amosova. Electrically controlled relaxation at twist deformation of a dual-frequency nematic liquid crystal. Technical Physics, 55(6) 850-854 (2010)
  31. E. A. Konshina, M. A. Fedorov, L. P. Amosova. Dynamic characteristics of dual-frequency nematic liquid crystal with quasi-homeotropic twist structure. Technical Physics Letters, 36(7) 636-638 (2010)
  32. E. A. Konshina, M. A. Fedorov, A. E. Rybnikova, L. P. Amosova, N. L. Ivanova, M. V. Isaev, D. S. Kostomarov. Dynamics of twist effect in a dual-frequency nematic liquid crystal. Technical Physics, 54(4) 555-560 (2009)
  33. V. N. Vasil’ev, E. A. Konshina, D. S. Kostomarov, M. A. Fedorov, L. P. Amosova, E. O. Gavrish. Influence of the alignment layer and the liquid crystal layer thickness on the characteristics of electrically controlled optical modulators. Technical Physics Letters, 35(6) 498-500 (2009)
  34. A. N. Chaika, L. P. Amosova, E. A. Konshina . Optically addressed high-resolution liquid crystal spatial light modulator with a diffraction efficiency above 50%. Technical Physics Letters, 35(5) 401–403 (2009)
  35. E. A. Konshina, M. A. Fedorov, L. P. Amosova, M. V. Isaev, D. S. Kostomarov. Optical modulators based on a dual-frequency nematic liquid crystal. Journal of Optical Technology, 75(10) 670 (2008)
  36. E. A. Konshina, M. A. Fedorov, L. P. Amosova, Yu. M. Voronin. Effect of surface on phase modulation of light in a nematic layer. Technical Physics, 53(2) 211-216 (2008)
  37. E. A. Konshina, M. A. Fedorov, L. P. Amosova, M. V. Isaev, D. S. Kostomarov. Optical transmission decay dynamics in dual-frequency nematic liquid crystal cells. Technical Physics Letters, 34(5) 401-404 (2008)
  38. E. A. Konshina, M. A. Fedorov, N. L. Ivanova, L. P. Amosova. Anomalous light transmission by nematic liquid crystal cells. Technical Physics Letters, 34(1) 61-64 (2008)
  39. E. A. Konshina, D. S. Kostomarov. Phase modulation of light in a two-frequency nematic liquid crystal. Journal of Optical Technology, 74(10) 720 (2007)

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